

王泉記建材因傳承著創始人 王萬好先生「克勤克儉、誠穩踏實」的經營理念,造就「王泉記」得以持續經營發展至今。

「王泉記」始自日據時代〈昭和五年七月;西元1930年7月〉沿襲至今有94年之歷史,創始人 王萬好先生琉璃瓦事業白手起家,克勤克儉、誠穩路實,秉著一步一腳印的路實態度經營「王泉記窯業股份有限公司」,在創始人 王萬好先生兢兢業業下,創建無數佳績,深獲業界好評,奠定了良好的事業基礎。








昭和九年 西元1934
昭和十年 西元1935
昭和十八年 西元1943

整合階段 2006~至今



其次為配合綠能減碳、環保節能的世界潮流,因此而整合了日本、歐美等先進國家節能減碳的新觀念、建材、工法及設備等,例如:全屋斷熱之觀念;PE斷熱板、HM斷熱玻璃、斷熱玄關大門等產品;地基斷熱、外牆斷熱、內壁斷熱、屋頂斷熱等工法;以及太陽能、風力發電等設備。以期為建築業帶來『節能減碳 健康住宅』的新觀念實踐。更希望能轉型為『綠建材系統整合廠商』的領導者。





1930 創立「王泉記窯業股份有限公司」專業生產琉璃瓦.
1990 成立「和室工程有限公司Toyohouse」轉型為代理銷售.
2002 更名「王泉記總合建材Sunhouse」推廣綠建築觀念.

1930-1990 Historical Seals

Continuing the management idea of Wang Chuan Chiy founder, Mr. Wang Wan Ho’Hard working, Frugal, Honesty and Dependable’, bring up ‘ Wang Chuan Chiy’ to develop continuously up to now.

Wang Chuan Chiy created in July of 1930, we have already about history for 94 years. Our founder Mr. Wang Wan Ho started his business with glazed tiles. He insisted on his management idea ‘Hard working, Frugal, Honesty and Dependable’ to manage ‘Wang Chuan Chiy’ steadily. Under his cautious and conscientious management, obtained many good comments and established the good undertaking foundation.

During this time, we were invited to construct the glazed tiles of the temple in Nagasaki of Japan(孔廟), and Hong Kong(青松仙觀and圓玄學院)etc. In Taiwan, we have our historical representatives including台北市立棒球場(Taipei City Baseball field),中央忠烈祠,指南宫淩宵寶殿etc. They are art, they established Wang Chuan Chiy foundation, and also they are our important milestone.

1990 ~2006 Stage of managing agency ( roof tile, external material, etc. )

With the gradual progress of the times, in order to introduce the most advanced roof tile from all over the world, in 1990 we established Toyo House Trading Co., Ltd. Begin to introduce the tiles from Japan, fibrous tiles of KMEW, interlock tiles of Germany, Steel tiles of New Zealand, and Roman clay tiles from France.

We ended the tile production in 1993, to concentrate on the business of agency. We provide the most high-quality building material of industry and attend to diversified business.

Under the idea of the diversified business, we continue to introduce the rain gutter trough of Panasonic and flameproof external building materials form KMEW, and other relevant building products from the world. Most of the products are used for the light steel construction house. It provides the anti-seismic products and construction technology to Taiwan which is in the seismic belt.

We established the offices in Yilan, Taichung, Kaohsiung and Taipei and training the professional sales staffs and construction staffs. The purpose is to promote better construction methods and construction materials, to bring a new developing power for the building industry of Taiwan, and improve the diversification choice in high-quality building. It is another milestone of Wang Chuan Chiy.

Phase of Integration 2006~Present

“Wang Chuan Chiy Enterprise Co., Ltd.” has in recent years put forth maximum possible efforts toward two aspects.first, “Tile Engineering” , we tried by all means to introduce to “Functional Roof Engineering” as the new concept and new approach, offering diversified, comprehensive and multifaceted options available to consumers and satisfaction-guaranteed quality. Other than our effort in serving as an agent for topnotch quality tiles, exterior wall materials and rain gutter from throughout the world, we have further introduced to a variety of “function-oriented” working approach and sub-materials, e.g., notably “Double-layer roof” (for heat and warmth insulation performance), 3M Roof Tile Adhesive (strongly resistant wand). We are, as a result, widely praised as the very pioneer of the “Functional Roof Engineering”.

Next, to swim with the worldwide trend of Green Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction for Sustainability, we have successfully combined the up-to-date concept, building materials, working process and equipment & facilities in energy saving and carbon reduction from advanced nations notably including Japan, Europe, and the United States. For example, the concepts for overall-house-heat, insulation. PE heat insulation boards, Heat Mirror insulating glass, heat insulation entrance gates and such products, ground base heat insulation, exterior wall heat insulation, interior wall heat insulation, rooftop heat insulation saving and carbon reduction, healthful housing solar energy, wind power generators and such equipment &facilities. Bring new concept of the “energy” into building business, we will definitely be the pioneer leader of the “green building materials system integration giant”. We also established the office in Taipei in Taoyuan Shinkansen Showroom.


Become the leader of the system combination manufacturer of green building materials.

Gradual progress

1930 Established Wang Chuan Chiy Enterprises Co., Ltd. – the Professional roof tile producing company.
1990 Established Toyo House Trading Co., Ltd. – endeavor to the business of agency and construction.
2002 renamed Wang Chuan Chiy building materials to Sunhouse – promote the concept of Green building.
2008 Established four divisions – to become an integrated green building material system company.

Agent Panasonic


Panasonic旋轉收納五金(鞋架、衣架)、冷氣空調換氣扇、暖風機溫水便座、A.LA.UNO電腦馬桶、全熱交換器、開關插座照明設備 、耐磨抗菌木地板、 靜音房門、 Nanoe水離子發生器 、SOLIDO咖啡裝飾板 ……..與日本原廠保持著同步推出的建材商品,讓您的環境成為流行、時尚、環保的舒適空間,想要擁有豪宅不在需要千山萬水的遷徙。




對於挑高住宅的消費者,擁有一間可以收納或者彈性使用的閣樓是許多人的夢想,伸縮梯就是方便上下閣樓的管道。王泉記特別推薦兩款閣樓伸縮梯 ,可以依照使用者需求選擇合適角度的木梯,依照需求彈性調節高度、鋸短梯腳,是最推薦的款式。鋁製閣樓梯的放置必須配合梯子結構,建議安裝之前,先請業者勘查現場是否有足夠的容納空間。選擇一款合適的伸縮梯,絕對能促進您使用閣樓的頻率,為居家空間創造更多可能性。地坪貴房地小,衣服總是晾不下;高樓大廈沒太陽、髒空氣,真的很傷腦筋,嶄新智能型家電來幫助您!替您創造更大的居住空間~室內陽台都能裝設,不怕風大、也不用擔心晾衣服晾到肩頸酸痛,可將電動曬衣架調整到適合吊掛的位置,就能輕鬆晾衣服!產品特色:LED節能照明、全鋁合金、過熱保護、直統電機、無線搖控、遇阻停機、四桿可翻轉、左右可伸縮、承重35KG。歐蘭特電動晾衣機引領您進入時尚家居的世界,讓煩人的晾曬衣物從此不在辛苦!